Poor, Starving Writer

Image via Flickr Creative Commons, courtesy of Pictures of Money.

Broke Ass Bitch. Frugal Girl. Living on the Cheap. Penny Pincher. Dollar Store Queen. Nifty Thrifty Chick. Coupon Clipper.

Whatever you want to call me, I’m broke. My boyfriend and I make semi-decent money, but the cost of living is so high, we often have a hard time scraping rent together at the end/beginning of each month. This is one of the worst months we’ve had in a while.

Now, in the past (and by past, I mean a month ago), I have been known to have a bit of a spending problem. Buying things is a huge stress relief, comparable only to eating brownies and chocolate chip cookies. Both my credit cards were maxed out, and I never had any spare cash.

I mean, I still don’t have any spare cash, but now it’s all going toward bills. My boyfriend finally burned through what little he had saved up, so now we’re relying solely on what we make. My credit cards are below their limits, but I don’t dare use either of them for fear they’ll max out again (in an emergency, I guess I’ll have no choice, but it hasn’t come to that yet). I just paid both my end of the month bills, and we now have nothing in our respective bank accounts.

Rent is due in a week and a half.

So anyway, why am I writing this? Why do you care? Am I asking for money?

I just keep having ideas for YouTube videos about frugal living. There are ways that I save money that are hard for me in our consumer culture, and I want to share my ideas and struggles with people.

I’m also a hot mess, as is my apartment. The super clean, “perfect” girls on YouTube bug the crap out of me, and I really want to make videos just to give the place a dose of real life. Even if no one watches it. It’ll be there.

3 thoughts on “Poor, Starving Writer”

  1. I know how you feel. My husband and I are going through the same thing. Most of the houses cleaned on utube barely look lived in much less dirty to me at least. Great post good to be honest! Its winter here in Ky. Our bills are higher and its really got me down plus were dead ass broke!


    1. Thank you! Winter can definitely be hard with heating bills. We’ve been lucky with an unusually warm, dry winter here in northern California. It may be bad for the farmers, but it’s good for our power bills.

      You hang in there! It’s hard, but it’s always good to know there are others fighting the same fight. đź’ś


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