Fantasy & SciFi Novels I’m Excited to Read in 2020

Because of quarantine, I’ve been using my Kindle a lot, and I’m so excited to get these downloaded as soon as I can!

I know, I know. Four months of 2020 have already passed us by. However, I didn’t get a chance to make this list earlier in the year, so I’m making it now. The list is short because I’m a slow reader, but what is here promises to be gold. Because of quarantine, I’ve been using my Kindle a lot, and I’m so excited to get these downloaded as soon as I can!

The Obsidian Tower, by Melissa Caruso

I haven’t read any of her work yet, but when I asked Instagram and Facebook for recommendations for women fantasy/scifi authors, a friend recommended Melissa Caruso. It’s been a while since I read a good epic fantasy, so I’m looking forward to reading this first book in a new series that comes out June 2nd. It may take me a while, though, as it’s 528 pages! (I’m a slow reader.)

Valdemar: Family Spies Trilogy, by Mercedes Lackey

You guys, I love Mercedes Lackey. I know, I’m not usually a huge YA fan, but for Lackey I make an exception. She is prolific af, though, so I haven’t had the opportunity to read as much of her work as I would like. Most of what I’ve read is stuff she wrote decades ago, so I’m interested in reading some of her more recent work. Though reading all the books might give more background, you can usually read each trilogy on its own without a problem. The third book in her Valdemar: Family Spies trilogy, Spy, Spy Again, comes out June 9th, and I’m looking forward to reading the first two in preparation for the new release.

A Deadly Education, by Naomi Novik

Naomi Novik is the author of Uprooted, one of my favorite novels and one that got me out of a writing slump a few years ago. I am totally excited to read this book, the first of a new series about an “unwilling dark sorceress.” Um, yes, please. I can’t wait until it comes out September 29th!

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, by V.E. Schwab

I can’t remember where I first heard about this book, but it sparked my interest immediately. It’s a fresh take on the immortal/time traveler novel, and I’m here for it. It’s about a woman who makes a deal to live forever, but the catch is that no one will ever remember her. I’m only sad that I’ll have to wait until October 6th to check it out!

Honorable Mention: Peace Talks, by Jim Butcher

This is not a book that I’m particularly excited about reading, as I’ve only read one Dresden Files novel (I liked it! I just haven’t gotten around to reading any more). However, this is the book my husband is most looking forward to reading this year. He’s loved The Dresden Files since before we started dating (the pentagram necklace I wore when we met reminded him of Dresden), and he is so excited for the next release! It will be out July 14th, and I’m sure he’s preordered it already.

What new books are you ready to read in 2020?

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